OpusFlow Changelog

See the latest features, improvements, and product updates.

  • Fixes


    🌟Added a new feature to display totals excluding prepayments in the invoice datagrid, providing clearer financial summaries.

    🌟Implemented currency formatting for the quotation datagrid to ensure consistent and accurate financial representations.

    🌟Introduced a Bill of Materials (BOM) view within the invoice dialog for projects linked with a BOM, allowing for better project cost visibility.

    🌟Invoices are now exported with the invoice code included in the file name, simplifying document organization and retrieval.


    🌟Enhanced PDFs by compressing images, reducing file size while maintaining quality.

    🌟Added support for AVIF and WebP image formats, expanding the range of supported media types in PDFs.

    🌟PDFs now correctly parse dates using local timezones, ensuring accurate time representation across different regions.


    🌟Launched an alpha version of PVDesigner 2.0, offering new features and improvements for early testing and feedback.


    🌟Added Turkish as a language option, expanding accessibility for Turkish-speaking users.

    🌟Resolved numerous incorrect translations to improve clarity and user experience.

    🌟Tables now have the ability to be exported to Excel, providing users with powerful data analysis and reporting options.

    Bug Fixes

    πŸ›Resolved an issue allowing non-administrators to edit the type of a group, expanding user flexibility in group management.


    🌟The API now supports defining custom names when creating new projects, enhancing project organization and identification.


    🌟Users can now change the General Ledger (GL) account per object type within Exact Online, allowing for more tailored financial tracking.


    🌟Streamlined the process for creating stock mutations, making inventory adjustments more intuitive and efficient.


    🌟Completed forms can now be reverted back to draft status, providing users with the flexibility to make additional changes before final submission.

    Purchase Orders (PO)

    🌟The purchase order interface received a visual redesign, and users can now directly book mutations through the PO screen, enhancing usability and efficiency.


    🌟Manual planning entries now display their titles, making it easier to identify and manage planned activities.

  • New


    πŸ›Fixed a bug where .webp images would crash PDF templates.

    🌟Removed consultants from ticket assignee dialog for simplified management.

    🌟Added more errors for Esdec integration to improve diagnostics.


    🌟Improved inverter calculations with PV Designer for enhanced accuracy.


    🌟Added custom fields to the project datagrid for better customization.

    🌟Added the possibility of changing the company/contact on a project for increased flexibility.


    🌟Added ROI heatpump calculations to support financial decision-making.


    🌟Added quote approval/deny reasoning system for better communication and transparency.

  • New

    My environment

    πŸš€ Tickets: You can now easily filter out completed tickets in the ticket Datagrid.

    In order to select which ticket type statuses are completed, navigate to **Settings > Tickets > Ticket **


    πŸ› Fixed a permission issue.


    πŸš€ Invoices: You can now select an alternate billing address for your invoices. You can achieve this by clicking the edit icon (1) and selecting what company or contact address you want to edit the invoice to be used (2).

    πŸ› Quotes: Sorting on quote datagrid column "Status Change", "Signature sign date" and "Due date" now works as expected.

    πŸ› Invoices: You can now sort on ID in the invoice Datagrid

    πŸ› Invoices: The invoice dialog will now show if there is no company or contact.


    🌐 Clarified buying price (incl.) with better translations.


    πŸš€ Time registration: We've overhauled the Time Registration component to be a more feature fledged module! Start tracking time for any activity by navigating in the settings (Settings > Hour Registration) and setting up the module by creating an Hour Registration activity type:

    You can then start time tracking a new activity immediately by using the time registration integration in the sidebar (1) and selecting what project and activity type you want to track (2):

    Or you can view your Hour Registration Datagrid on the home page. You can still easily interact with the sidebar integration (1) and use a similar hotbar on the home page (2). The overview shown (3) allows you to easily view and edit hour registration entries. You can always add notes to an hour registration entry in the same Datagrid:

    🌟 PDF: You can now generate a PDF using the following font families:

    Wix Madefor Display


    Reckless Neue

    Futura Std Book

    🌟 New users will by default have the theme stretch option enabled.

    🌐 Improved several German translations.

    🌐 A couple of Spanish translations have been improved.

    🌐 Added various missing translations.

    For more information feel free to contact our support πŸ“ž +31(0)850806491

  • New


    Van der Valk substructure errors are now properly displayed.

    πŸ› BluBase will now properly work in the PV-Designer again.


    🌟 Contacts: Added the identification field to the Contact Datagrid.


    🌟 Autosave has been improved.

    🌟 Form titles are now editable.


    🌟 Quotes: By default, when sending a quote to a client, OpusFlow automatically attaches the Quote's generated PDF to the email. You can now override this default behaviour and disable the system from automatically adding the Quote PDF to the email attachments. Go to Settings > Quotation and deselect "Automatically add the quote PDF document to the email when sending the quote".


    🌟 Templates > PDF: toYear has been added to the PDF Templating shortcodes.


    🌟 API: Added next line support for comment fields in the CreateProjectV3 API route:

    So the following line:

    This is line one of my comment\nThis is line two of my comment Becomes:

    This is line one of my comment

    This is line two of my comment

    For more information feel free to contact our support πŸ“ž +31(0)850806491

  • New


    🌟 Added the possibility of updating the active company/contact of a project, contact update for residential projects and company update for commercial projects.


    🌟 Allow the use of special characters in the reference field.


    πŸ› Discounted values now show the correct results.

    πŸ› Fixed a bug where you can't generate a v1 ROI with a monetary discount.


    🌟 Added the possibility to enlarge a image of an article within the article details.


    🌐 Translated the datagrid toolbar in all languages.

    🌐 Fixed several translations.

    For more information feel free to contact our support πŸ“ž +31(0)850806491

  • New


    πŸš€ Removed clients from the account manager dropdown menu.


    πŸ› Fixed a bug where the save button keeps loading.


    πŸ› Fixed a bug where administrators are not able to edit emails send through Automations.


    🌟 Improved error logging when inviting users to my organization.

    πŸ› Articles: Fixed an issue where the window would refresh unexpectedly when entering article details.

    πŸ› Fixed logging in through a mobile phone and being redirected to a 404 page.

    πŸ› Fixed the password reset functionality.


    🌐 Fixed several translations.

    For more information feel free to contact our support πŸ“ž +31(0)850806491

  • New

    My environment

    🌟 Sales: Added "margin over selling price percentage" to the Sales dashboard.


    πŸ› The live data retrieval for the Kanban overview has been fixed.


    πŸš€ Forms will now automatically be submitted when finishing a planning entry.

    🌟 Scroll to top has been added to Form section switching.


    🌟 Quotes/Invoices: You can now export data from the Quotes and the Invoices DataGrids.


    πŸ› Overview: Selected the first tab (Article) by default, which will now also show the DataGrid data again.


    πŸš€ Tags have been added as a new feature in OpusFlow which will revolutionize your workflows. You can get started with Tags by creating them in the Settings > General > Type > Tags section:

    You can apply Tags to three categories for now: "Projects", "Contacts" and "Companies":

    You can apply these tags to the categories when creating said category item:

    And by updating existing category items, such as with a project, as following:

    There's endless possibilities with Tags and be sure to check out our upcoming video explaining tags, very soon.

    🌟 API: Added tag support to the Create Project API.

    🌟 Users: Added the departments of users to the Users DataGrid.

    🌟 Automations: Added Forms v2 as a trigger in Automations.

    πŸ› Templates > PDF: Fixed the orientation of images in generated PDF files to always be rotated correctly.


    🌐 Fixed certain German translations.

    For more information feel free to contact our support πŸ“ž +31(0)850806491

  • New

    My environment

    πŸ› Tickets: Various bug fixes related to the new Tickets v2.0 release.


    πŸ› Copying a laying plan will now correctly duplicate the converter groups/string plan.

    πŸ› Fixed a bug relating to BluBase row distancing.


    πŸ› Planning filters are now working as expected again.


    🌟 Projects > General tab: Added documents Datagrid to the Project general tab.

    🌟 Quotes can be created without a project now.

    🌟 Projects can now be created from a quote.

    πŸ› Various small bug fixes for the Kanban overview.


    🌟 Added a back button on form entries to return back to the project that is attached to the form.


    🌟 Quotes: The quotes DataGrid will now initially sort on the creation date, instead of the name.


    πŸš€ Automations: You can now copy automations so they are duplicated. You can also choose a new region these automations are hosted in.

    πŸš€ Automations: Added an issue reporting button where you can notify us about automation errors.

    Please write the issue you're encountering in the description to the fullest extend you're able to, in order to ensure a quicker resolve time.

    🌟 Users/Customers: Added clearer error messages when inviting employees and customers to OpusFlow leads to errors.

    🌟 Templates: PDF: Added the following operators to use for creating PDF templates:

    pow: Raises a specified numeric field in an array of objects to a given exponent.

    average Calculates the average of a specified numeric field in an array of objects.

    max Finds the maximum value of a specified numeric field in an array of objects.

    min Finds the minimum value of a specified numeric field in an array of objects.

    unique Filters an array of objects to include only unique values for a specified field.

    in Filters an array of objects to include only those where the specified field's value is in the given array of values.

    nin Filters an array of objects to exclude those where the specified field's value is in the given array of values.

    regex Filters an array of objects to include only those where the specified field's value matches the given regex pattern.

    🌟 Templates: E-Mail: Added the following Quote and ROI fields to the e-mail templater:










    πŸ› Automations : Fixed errors related to references.

    πŸ› Users : The amount of active users will now correctly be calculated.


    🌐 Fixed some Dutch translations that were misleading.

    For more information feel free to contact our support πŸ“ž +31(0)850806491

  • New

    My environment

    πŸš€ Tickets: Creating Ticket Types: Learn how to create ticket types with various statuses.

    πŸš€ Tickets: Step-by-step guide to creating new tickets.

    πŸš€ Tickets: The functionalities of the added sidebar menu for easy access to your tickets anywhere in OpusFlow.

    πŸš€ Tickets: Ticket Notifications: Stay updated with notifications for new tickets and modifications.

    Watch the full video and learn how to enhance your workflow with Tickets v2.0.



    🌟 For BluBase Classic, the clamp option has been removed because BluBase doesn't support them anymore. The default clamp is easyklem.

    🌐 Renamed CPX Wave to PanelClaw.


    🌟 Your favorite Planning view will now be saved and be selected automatically the next time you use the module.

    🌟 The calendar will be shown more responsively on mobile devices.

    πŸ› Scrolling has been improved within the calendar.


    🌟 Added the project reference field as a hidden field to the Project Datagrid.

    🌟 Projects > Details tab: Filtered out the OpusFlow employee accounts in the account manager field on the Project Details tab.


    🌟 Quotes: Added more details of the margins in quotes. You need to enable this in the sidebar of the quote info card on the right side of the page where you view the quote.


    🌟 Management > Templates > PDF: Added in, nin & regex functionality for use in the PDF templates to allow more advanced variable filtering.


    🌐 Various localization fixes across all locales.

    πŸ› Automations: Resolved various automation creation and updating bugs.

    πŸ› Layout: The vertical layout will now display modules correctly again.

    πŸ› API: The project creation using the API will now correctly take project references into account when inserting multiple projects at once via a lead generator for example.

    For more information feel free to contact our support πŸ“ž +31(0)850806491

  • New


    🌟 Project -> Administration tab -> Quotes: You can now view signatures on the Quotes DataGrid.


    πŸš€ Users can now configure Customer Portal visibility settings per Form Template. For each template, they can choose whether a form of this template can be sent to a customer. Additionally, they can allow customers to see forms of this template filled out by other users on this project.

    If configured, the client will see a new "Shared with me" datagrid in the customer portal Forms page.

    Note: to enable this, the customer must have theΒ "form_fill:read:shared_project_fill_list"Β permission given.


    πŸš€ Warehouse: You can now view stock rules on a warehouse DataGrid.

    🌟 Removed the scrolling functionality on various number only fields, such as when creating and editing Articles.


    πŸš€ Automations: Added a Magic Link action for sending forms to the Customer Portal via Automations.

    🌟 Templates -> PDF: Added support for the "toDateTZ" shortcode. This shortcode supports Timezones for dates.

    🌟 Templates -> PDF: Added support for the "toWeek" shortcode. This shortcode will return the week number.


    🌟 Removed the well known OpusFlow blue background wave for non sign-in and sign-up pages.

    🌐 Various Spanish, German & Dutch translation improvements

    πŸ› Added the correct user name and avatar on DataGrids "Created by" & "Updated By" fields.

    For more information feel free to contact our support πŸ“ž +31(0)850806491