My environment
š Tickets: Various bug fixes related to the new Tickets v2.0 release.
š Copying a laying plan will now correctly duplicate the converter groups/string plan.
š Fixed a bug relating to BluBase row distancing.
š Planning filters are now working as expected again.
š Projects > General tab: Added documents Datagrid to the Project general tab.
š Quotes can be created without a project now.
š Projects can now be created from a quote.
š Various small bug fixes for the Kanban overview.
š Added a back button on form entries to return back to the project that is attached to the form.
š Quotes: The quotes DataGrid will now initially sort on the creation date, instead of the name.
š Automations: You can now copy automations so they are duplicated. You can also choose a new region these automations are hosted in.
š Automations: Added an issue reporting button where you can notify us about automation errors.
Please write the issue you're encountering in the description to the fullest extend you're able to, in order to ensure a quicker resolve time.
š Users/Customers: Added clearer error messages when inviting employees and customers to OpusFlow leads to errors.
š Templates: PDF: Added the following operators to use for creating PDF templates:
pow: Raises a specified numeric field in an array of objects to a given exponent.
average Calculates the average of a specified numeric field in an array of objects.
max Finds the maximum value of a specified numeric field in an array of objects.
min Finds the minimum value of a specified numeric field in an array of objects.
unique Filters an array of objects to include only unique values for a specified field.
in Filters an array of objects to include only those where the specified field's value is in the given array of values.
nin Filters an array of objects to exclude those where the specified field's value is in the given array of values.
regex Filters an array of objects to include only those where the specified field's value matches the given regex pattern.
š Templates: E-Mail: Added the following Quote and ROI fields to the e-mail templater:
š Automations : Fixed errors related to references.
š Users : The amount of active users will now correctly be calculated.
š Fixed some Dutch translations that were misleading.
For more information feel free to contact our support š +31(0)850806491